our values

Diversity and integration

We promote the participation of children and youth with disabilities or special needs, victims of family violence, as well as children who have left their country of origin for war, religious or political reasons and who have obtained refugee status in Luxembourg. But also, for families that are expatriates in Luxembourg and look for a safe place for their children to develop new skills and integrate in Luxembourgish society. We believe that the integration of these children into the different activities is of paramount importance in relation to the human rights recognized in Luxembourg. To do this, connecting professionals with children and creating activities aimed to promote healthy values.

Identity and self-esteem

Art opens up a form of non-verbal communication, it has the potential to help all young people to know themselves better and to face obstacles during pivotal stages of life development.
We use art, the creative process and the resulting artwork to express feelings, develop social skills, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, discover hidden abilities and learn that everyone is a unique work of art. We create courses, workshops and camps with artistic activities. We use uplifting and positive music providing a positive influence on emotions, perception, and behavior - promoting healthy values throughout all our activities. 
In a calm spirit we create educational projects for the youngest to the oldest, supervised by experienced people.

Empathy and solidarity

We offer help to women in Luxembourg, some living in vulnerable situations or isolation. We believe that humanitarian aid for these women and their children who cannot meet their basic needs is a priority. We provide an international network of women who support emotionaly and spiritualy, advising and organizing social events. 

Training and support

We organize courses, workshops, and seminars to prepare teachers, parents, and guardians for the needs of today's children. In a changing world with a great impact of technologies, controlling emotions and anxiety is essential so that parents and teachers can support children in their different stages of growth, respond to their needs and help them develop. 

know our directors 

Public Accountant and expert in international finance

Nestor is Director of Herederos (international youth network based in Argentina).

Passionate about working with youth, he has been a coach for young people, accompanying them in their integral development.

Public Accountant and expert in international finance, developing in the business field. He is currently working as a Director in an international consulting firm in Luxembourg.

Florencia PUJOL
Interior Architect and transcultural experienced teacher.

Florencia is an Interior Architect graduated in the University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires with broad experience working with children and youth.

She is fluent in French, English and Spanish languages and is keen on art history.

Currently she is the head of Lighthouse Art Studio, which provides art lesson to children from 3 to 19 years old. She has worked as teacher for children for more than 10 years.

She is part of international women alliance in Luxembourg and has partnered with different foundations to hold conferences oriented to women empowerment and support those in need.